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The original Eurobarometer surveys' datasets storing and updating are officially entrusted to the GESIS, the German Social Science Data Archive. Not all Eurobarometer surveys are published on our website; if you don’t find the survey you are looking for please contact us.

Data are available for download and online analysis. Methodological Research The European Social Survey runs a programme of research to support and enhance the methodology that underpins the high standards it pursues in every aspect of survey design, data collection and archiving. Norge ble lagt til med data fra det regulære Eurobarometer 37, som ble gjennomført I Norge. Central and Eastern Eurobarometers. I forbindelse med sammenbruddet av Sovjetunion og den økte kontakten mellom øst og vest i Europa, ble mindre versjoner av Eurobarometrene også gjennomført i landene i Øst- og Sentral-Europa. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors.

Eurobarometer data

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Access to GESIS data and documentation, including the GESIS DOI, for Eurobarometer 85.2 can be found through the GESIS Data Catalogue. Many translated example sentences containing "Eurobarometer data" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Many translated example sentences containing "Eurobarometer data" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (questionnaires, codebooks, etc.) are made available by GESIS, ICPSR and through the Social Science Data Archive networks. Adequate use of these data presupposes at least basic knowledge in data analysis methodology and experience in the use of statistical software packages (information on Eurobarometer weighting variables should also be noticed).

EVS data and documentation are available free of charge. They are stored in the Data Archive for the Social Sciences of GESIS – Leibniz Institute in Cologne, 

2018-10-24 · The Eurobarometer data was used to predict knowledge about antibiotics with an ordinal response, and appropriate attitude towards antibiotic consumption with a binary response. The model predicting knowledge about antibiotics, with results shown in Table 5 , presented positive associations with knowledge for both self-employment (OR = 1.73, 95% CI = 1.12–2.70) and employment (OR = 1.37, 95% eurobarometer.

Data for protocol variables p8 (postal code), p9 (sample point number) and p10 (interviewer number) have not been made available. Access to GESIS data and documentation, including the GESIS DOI, for Eurobarometer 84.3 can be found through the GESIS Data Catalogue.

Eurobarometer data

Eurobarometer gebruikt zowel algemene opiniepeilingen als onderzoeken gericht op specifieke doelgroepen. Tweemaal per jaar worden onder de naam Eurobarometer de resultaten gepubliceerd van periodieke opiniepeilingen onder de consumenten en bedrijven van de Europese Unie. 2015-04-23 · All EU member countries. 1973-present. The European Commission conducts the EuroBarometer survey twice a year in all EU member countries. In the "Standard EB," the most useful variables include support for European integration and questions about national versus European identity. Eurobarometer 431 är det därför motiverat att undersöka vad profileringsmetoder kan leda till.

Commission of the European Communities. av MR Testa · Citerat av 140 — study, based on data from the 2011 Eurobarometer on Fertility and Social Climate, I examine different family size preferences and their link with actual fertility  science and technology as responded by citizens in ORION- collaborating countries. Based on data from. Special Eurobarometer. 401 (European. Commission  av MR Testa · Citerat av 139 — study, based on data from the 2011 Eurobarometer on Fertility and Social The data reveal that around 30% of women and men end their reproductive career.
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Previous surveys were published in 2007 and 2010 (Flash Eurobarometer No 219 and 290), while the 2013 survey (Flash Eurobarometer 379), with 25 537 respondents, presented comparative data between the three surveys. Discover the results of Eurobarometer opinion polls commissioned by the European Parliament in all member states on a broad range of issues 2018-10-24 The Eurobarometer is a program commissioned by the European Commission to monitor public opinion in the European Union member countries. Topics vary with each series, and have included agriculture, energy, environment, gender roles, immigration, knowledge of foreign languages, poverty, public health, technology, and other special topics.

Den Europeiska livsmedelssäkerhetsmyndigheten har genomfört en undersökning om EU:s befolknings attityder till  År 1993 genomfördes en Eurobarometer, "Elderly Europeans", omfattande de tolv länder som då var medlemmar i EU samt Sverige. I Sverige genomfördes 1  Enligt kommissionens rapport Special Eurobarometer ”385 Attitudes Of Europeans Towards Tobacco” från år 2012 spänner andelen rökare i övriga EU-länder  underlätta och utveckla forskares tillgång till data. stöd under kvalitetssäkra data och tjänster.
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Standard Eurobarometer 84 survey (EB84), was carried out between 7 and 17 november 2015 in 34 countries or territories: the 28 European Union (EU) 

Fieldwork: October-November 2004 Summer 2020 Standard Eurobarometer survey (EB93), was carried out in 34 countries or territories: the 27 European Union (EU) Member States, the United Kingdom, five candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania) and the Turkish Cypriot Community in the part of the country that is not controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. UniData provides also the data of the Flash Eurobarometer, an European cross-national survey research programme on attitudes, values and beliefs regarding a wide range of topics in the socio-cultural and socio-political domain, sponsored by the European Commission. The European Commission published the results of a special Eurobarometer survey on data protection. The results show that Europeans are relatively well aware of the new data protection rules, their rights and the existence of national data protection authorities, to whom they can turn for help when their rights are violated.

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Standard Eurobarometer 86 survey (EB86), was carried out between 3 and 16 November 2016 in 34 countries or territories: the 28 European Union (EU) Member States, five candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania) and the Turkish Cypriot Community in the part of the country that is not controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus.

I undersökningarna mäts parlamentets image och roll och vilka kunskaper medborgarna har om parlamentet. The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974.